We are taking applications for the following positions (use the Certified app below):
- K-12 Principal
A complete Application shall consist of:
- Letter of Interest
- Completed Application
- Copy of Transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable for application process)
- Three (3) Letters of Reference
- Resume
- Copy of Montana Teaching Certificate with the appropriate endorsement.
Applications materials may be submitted electronically. No faxed materials please.
For specific details about the position or questions email Principal, Paige Denny at paiged@terryschools.com or call 406-635-5533 ext. 350
CERTIFIED Employment Application
We are taking applications on an ongoing basis for the following positions (use the Classified app below):
- Special Education Paraprofessional
- Expedition Route Driver
- Kitchen sub
- Sub Teacher/Aide
- Bus Driver
- Sub Bus Driver
- Sub custodian
Coaching Positions:
The following coaching positions are open for the 25-26 school year. If interested, please email Paige Denny at paiged@terryschools.com or call 406-635-5533.
Applications materials may be submitted electronically. No faxed materials please.